
Rain, rain, don't go away!

For those that may not know, I'm fairly infatuated with weather, and I will likely throw around some weather terms from time to time. My wife calls me a weather geek/nerd, and I proudly accept that title. I've always kept a fairly close eye on the weather, as many of my favorite activities (fishing, hunting, softball, etc) are all done outside and weather is integrally tied to when I'm able to enjoy each different activity. My observations of predicted weather has turned into a "need-to-know" type of inquiry as to why certain weather features produce certain types of weather. Now, I can tell you why we had so much cold, snowy weather two winters ago for example. (That would be a weather phenomena called a Greenland Block - a strong, immovable high pressure system that sets up over Greenland and causes the jet stream to dip dramatically southward over the middle and eastern US, which in turn causes colder temps there and sets up the winds for continued lake-e

Seneca Rocks and Cicadas

This past weekend was my church's annual Men's Camping Trip. It was a good time with a good group of guys. Our basecamp was group site D at Seneca Shadows, and we took advantage of the proximity to some good trout water. We started off the trip Thursday morning by stopping at Chad's camp in Bowden, where both he and I were able to pick off a few stockers that were sporadically taking the mixed bag of mid-morning hatches. After that we headed onto Seneca Shadows and set up camp. After dinner, we headed down the North Fork, where my highlight was a whopper 18" class fallfish. I could see one trout rising, but after switching flies numerous times, never could figure out what he wanted. The next day, we headed to the Smoke Hole section of the South Branch. Chad and I hit the C/R, while some of the others went on downstream to catch fish on worms, etc. Chad immediately had a take on a march brown, so I put one of those on, and headed for the opposite bank. Qui

Welcome to Mountaineer Chronicles

This will be a blog about different activities I enjoy, and others may find interesting: fishing, hunting, foraging, gardening, cooking and sports, among others. All of these activities are enjoyable to me and could be classified as recreation, but a few have really become a way of life for me, and my passion for them I hope to convey to others. I have a strong commitment to my God, family, church, and country, and as such, those convictions will be conveyed through many of my posts as well. I look forward to sharing some of my favorite things with others through this blog.


More to come soon!